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Chasing My Dream

I'm doing it. I'm chasing my dream. I've always wanted to run writing retreats and workshops for people, but I've always been too scared to do anything about it...until now. I don't know what's changed...maybe I've changed. I'm not allowing the fear to stop me anymore. I've started Selah Writing Retreats. 

The past couple of weeks I've been getting the business end in order. I thought I would hate that...I don't. It's scary, but I am surprising myself with how efficient I am. Yesterday I went to a bank to set up a bank account. The woman I met with was kind and helpful and so enthusiastic about my dream.

My website is set up. I've done lots of work on it. I hope you stop by and let me know what you think. It's Balancing creative with business has been challenging but fun. Creating the website, getting a federal tax id, making business cards, planning dates...

My favorite voxer group is called Butt Kickers! We hold each other accountable for our dreams. How great is that?!?! We encourage and support and laugh and nudge each other. It's been such a gift to me.

Last week, I was out shopping and I stopped at a baby store to find a baby gift. This sign was outside the store. 

I mentioned, to the owner, how much I liked that quote. We started talking about books and dreams and creativity and we shared that we both began chasing our own dreams. We exchanged information (Hi Andrea, if you are reading this!) and congratulated each other on pursuing our dreams. 

I am proud and excited. I am still scared and nervous. I celebrate going after my dreams. 

Thank you to Ruth Ayres for providing this space to share our celebrations. Please join us and share your own!


  1. So excited for you Michelle. I have a project that I have been simmering on the back burner that you are motivating me to get my butt in gear and get moving. THANKS!

  2. WOW. I am SO EXCITED FOR YOU! I've always admired your passion for teaching, writing, living..... Following your dreams is a powerful message this morning.

  3. Way to go, girl! I am happy for you.

  4. Congrats, Michelle!! Very few people are brave enough to pursue their dreams this way. Keep at it!

  5. The website looks fabulous, Michelle. Is it time to share yet? I can feel your excitement in every word! Best wishes for this journey!

  6. You go, girl! This is so exciting. You are not only following your dream, but you will help others follow theirs.

  7. Great Michelle!!!! Sending you all my positive vibes. I'm on a new path as well- kicking off Tell It Digital with a good buddy of mine... We are mining networking pathways now :)
    Digital Bonnie

  8. SO inspiring! Good for you. Best of luck!

  9. Wow - how exciting! Congratulations on fulfilling your dream!

  10. Looking forward to watching your vision unfold! ~Amy

  11. Michelle,
    This is such exciting news! I am so happy for you and I can't wait to visit your writing retreat! WOW< you did it!
    Heading over to the blog now!

  12. I am so excited to see where this takes you. Have you read the book God-Sized Dreams by Holly Gerth? I think you need to read that!

  13. I am so excited for you. This is a dream of mine too. I may be contacting you for hints and inspiration. You go!!

  14. I too am excited for you. I love your Voxer group's name. It sounds like a group that can help each other accomplish some amazing things.

  15. So excited and proud of you. I'm not surprised at your efficiency my friend. You are kicking butt!

  16. This is incredibly exciting! Jumping off the cliff into a new adventure/dream can be scary, but also so exciting! I have already "liked" your FB page, and will continue to follow your progress. I would love to be part of one of the workshops.
    "Buttkickers" - a great title for a Voxer group!!

  17. Bravo! Looking forward to hearing more about this, Michelle!

  18. I am following your story with interest, Michelle. I wish you all the best.

  19. So excited to see you following your dream. I'll be on the east coast a bit more when my grandson arrives this summer, so maybe I could squeeze in a workshop/retreat along with a grandma visit.


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