I'm a model (and not the fashion kind)
Being an authentic reader and an authentic writer is important. To me, that seems obvious. Piano teachers play piano. Driving teachers drive. YES, as an teacher of readers and writers, I must read and I must write. Modeling a reading life and a writing life comes easily to me. I grew up a reader...just read my post on The Nerdy Book Club about me and my reading life. I grew up a writer...my evidence is my pile of notebooks. Check them out on my other class blog, Crayons and Pencils.
Have you read Escape from
Mr. Lemoncello's Library?" Ah! It's working.
This weekend, I spent hours reading their first piece of process writing. Ah! What a privilege. Did it take a long time? Yes. Were there times I got frustrated? Yes...but, mostly I look at this as an opportunity and a privilege. They are sharing their best writing with me and I GET to read it. It's an honor. They are writers. They write with me and they write for me. What a great job I have! I get to read and talk about books with a wonderful group of students AND I get to write with them and share my writing with them. I'm lucky that I get to be a model.
I know one non-writer who wrote for you - and only you. Don't know what you did but you are obviously still doing it!