Invitation and Inspiration...Nerdlution!

As I was reading through Feedly (my blog reader) I came upon a few blog posts talking about something called #nerdlution. After reading I discovered that a #nerdlution is akin to a resolution with support. The deal is starting December 2...for fifty days...challenge yourself to accomplish some goals and share your progress on twitter using #nerdlution.  As I said in some of the blog comments, this scares me. I want to say, I'm too busy! It's a bad time of year. I don't need to do that...or twelve other excuses I can create. BUT, I know when something scares me, it's often something I should try. So here goes...

My #nerdlutions include the following: 

1. Write for thirty minutes every day. Write anything. Blog. Write in my notebook. Write for my students...just write, write, write. 

2. Read for thirty minutes every day. Read instead of surfing Facebook. Read instead of watching TV...just read, read, read. 

3. Move for thirty minutes every day. Walk. Run. Skip. Hop. Jump. I need to move and move consistently. I want to run again. I miss it. I miss feeling healthy and fit. This one scares me the most. This one is the one where I'm afraid I'll fail and fail big! This one is the one I need the most encouragement. 

Encouragement. Inspiration. Motivation. Accountability. These are the things I like about this plan. Tweeting about my progress everyday and reading about the progress of others will keep me honest. Thank you for the invitation! Fifty's just the beginning. 

I wonder, Why don't I do these things without encouragement? I love reading, writing, and dare I say I even love running. Why do I avoid them? Why do I need help to make the choice to do them? Why do I waste my time doing...what?!?!? Facebook? TV? Laundry? Why do I procrastinate? Focusing on the things I love and making time in my day to do them will help me.

Thank you #nerdlution! December 2nd, here I come!


  1. Doing a little bit of writing and exercising will ad up to quite a lot in 50 days. Take it as an experiment and have fun along the way.


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