#Nerdlution: The Sequel

Nerdlution was quite a learning experience for me. I learned things about myself and my approach to new projects. Unfortunately, some of my bad habits resurfaced. 
Nerdlution: The Sequel was something I dreaded. I thought about skipping it and then I thought about why. I know why. I didn't complete my nerdlution goals all fifty days during the first round. One goal, I barely touched. I feel like I failed. My typical reaction to failure is avoidance. Whew! That's quite a confession, but oh so true. And I want that to change...so I'm back...to try again. Risking it another time! 

With some time to reflect, I realize that the goals may not have been accomplished all fifty days, but I did learn some things about myself and my habits. That alone is success. Nerdlution: The Sequel affords me the opportunity to try again. That's quite a gift. Here I am...with two goals to accomplish and some plans on how to keep track and succeed. 

Nerdlution: The Sequel Goal #1: Random Acts of Kindness

For my birthday I set out to commit 22 RAKs and I'm loving it. The feeling that Nerdlution: The Sequel can improve the lives of other people...that makes me so happy! I've already been tracking my RAKs in my notebook and now I'll start logging them into my blog. I can't wait to continue!

Nerdlution: The Sequel Goal #2: Uniterrupted Hour of Tech-Free Me Time

This goal was inspired by Patrick Andrus over at ReadWonder. For round one of nerdlution, one of his goals was "one uninterrupted hour of reading". I love that, but as I read his blog, I was struck at how many times he mentioned being less distracted by technology. The combination of that and an article I just read about a challenge for teenagers to be technology free for three days...I realized this is where I can focus. I will read. I will risk. I will write. I will work on completing my un-boring list. I will craft. I will exercise. I will pray. I will spend quality time with friends. This is one I'm EXCITED about and I'm looking forward to seeing where it will take me. 

Nerdlution: The Sequel Goal #3: Weekly blog link-up of nerdlution goals

OK, I know I said two goals...but this one isn't really for me, it's for the nerdlution community. I want a place to blog weekly about nerdlution, like Slice of Life at Two Writing Teachers or Saturday Celebrations at Ruth Ayres. I'd love to offer my blog for that place to post. I'm thinking Thursdays of each week, we can have a round-up of posts about nerdlution progress...just like those others. I like twitter, but I found myself lost at times and knowing there's a "deadline" each week would help me and help me support others in this endeavor! 

So...I'm putting it out there...holding my breath...secretly praying people think this is a good idea...and hoping my fellow #nerdlution peeps will post. 

I want to thank Colby SharpChris Lehman, Franki Sibberson, and Katherine Sokolowski for the twitter chat they had way back on Thanksgiving. Your conversation was heard near and far...and we are off again tomorrow! 


  1. My first #Nerdlution post is at the link below. I not so secretly think your idea is GREAT! http://friendreginarenee.blogspot.com/2014/01/nerdlution-round-2.html

    1. Thank you Regina Renee!! Loved your post. Thanks for stopping by and I am looking forward to seeing you on Thursdays!

  2. I love the idea of a Nerdlution link-up check-in each week, and Thursdays would be a good day for it. Thank you so much for thinking of this! I rarely blogged about my progress with my Nerdlution challenge, though I did very dutifully read a poem every single day! If there was a weekly check-in, I'm sure I'd do more reflecting and sharing about my learning.

    1. I was missing it too, Elisabeth! I'm so glad I wasn't the only one. Reflection is what I'm hoping for myself too. See you on Thursdays!

  3. Yeah Michelle! I am inspired by a place to "put" my thoughts. The tweeting space just wasn't quite right. I love TWT and Celebrate this Weekend. So cool of you to offer your space. I'll do my best to blog. Working on a reasonable and sustainable goal.

    1. Thanks Julieanne! My hope is by blogging about it...it will help to keep me on track. That's what happens at TWT and Celebrate...hope it works here too. I'm so excited I won't be blogging all by myself. :)

  4. Love the Nerdlution Challenge and tweeted it out many times. Today, I have a new post to continue my nerdlution to write and exercise. My post: The Stillness Within http://buff.ly/1eqg16y

  5. I love that you're offering a place to link up, and Thursdays are perfect! :-)

  6. Love that you're offering a place to link up! Your reflections were so thoughtful. Thanks for sharing!

    Here are my "take 2" goals:

  7. Thanks for the space and opportunity for Thursday link ups. That will help me be more accountable. Here's my link to Round 2..thank goodness for second chances. http://www.raisingreadersandwriters.com/2014/01/nerdlutionlets-try-again.html

  8. Here's my link for round 2. Thanks Michelle for the home. http://jarhartz.wordpress.com/2014/01/27/no-failure-no-learning-so-here-goes-nerdlution-round-two/

  9. I missed out on round one, but I'm definitely all on board for round two! I love the idea of the Thursday blog round up, so I know I'm a little early, but here's my first Nerdlution post: http://wp.me/p32uVS-TN

  10. Michelle, thank you for hosting all of us for #nerdlution2! I love what you wrote about risk. I'm also dedicated to not playing it safe, choosing two items from my Round One list that meant so much to me, but I always put last. The whole #nerdlution process provided insight I hadn't expected, which meant it was okay that I didn't complete these two things daily. I loved just knowing they existed at all. And that I had the nerve to write them down. But now my whole creative life, my writing and art, moves front and center. Hooray!

    I look forward to checking your blog and Twitter to hear more #nerdlution stories and successes. Best wishes to all participants...be brave, be bold!

  11. Michelle,
    The idea of making the world better place with random acts of kindness is the perfect #nerdlution. A tech free hour is also very smart. I find this hard when I prefer to read, and often write, on my device. I see the focused work reading and writing as different from the random jumping I do around the internet between Twitter and Facebook and Pinterest.

    I'm looking forward to joining the weekly round-up. It's a great idea. I'm hoping to share my reading discoveries at that time: http://reflectandrefine.blogspot.com/2014/01/round-2-nerdlution.html

    Good luck,

  12. Very cool! I'll be linking up tomorrow!


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