Zone Day

Slice of Life Challenge
Please join the challenge over at Two Writing Teachers!

To celebrate the end of every quarter, we have Zone Day. 

The term is inspired by Nancie Atwell's book The Reading Zone. I LOVE that reading is a celebration for my students. 
My nephew Jack celebrating his great books!

My favorite part of Zone Day was watching one class sustain deep reading for 75 minutes.

 They only stopped to enthusiastically discuss what just happened! This same group of students could barely read for 15 minutes in September. Seeing this growth INSPIRES me! Watching them read and identify authors they love and recommend books to each other...I'm so proud. 

That's how I spent my day. I read with them, sometimes to them...all day long! What a great job I have...I get to read, celebrate reading, with amazing and motivated sixth graders!

I was so busy reading...I didn't take any the pictures here are of my family reading! 


  1. It is awesome that you celebrated their reading with. . .reading!! and so sustain it for 75 minutes? That is a feat at school where the day is so often chopped to bits depending on the schedule. Thanks for sharing :-)))

  2. You intrigued me yesterday with the mention of zone day; I am glad to read more about it! Celebrating reading is always a good thing. P.S. I want a mug like you have!

  3. Wow-& your dog, too! What a treat! Seriously, this is an awesome idea, Michelle. Very glad to hear about it!

  4. Being able to get students to read for up to 75 minutes is wonderful. It takes some students so long to get there. This is inspirational.

  5. Wow! You need to come here and read with us! Lots of time to read -- what a gift!

  6. Sounds like a perfect day. I like this idea of zone day, Michelle, and I know my kids will, too.


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