Saturday Celebrations in May

Each week on Saturday 
bloggers celebrate at Ruth Ayres Writes
Won't you join us? 

I love Saturday celebrations! 

This week I celebrate my students and their creativity and enthusiasm. On the one hand, we are in the middle of testing season...but we counter that with our poetry. We are writing poetry and sharing it with each other. 

This week we began rehearsing for our PoetPalooza in June! I love watching them work in groups and find ways to entertain each other. The enthusiasm is infectious!

Speaking of poetry, I celebrate the final day of TeacherPoets with Chris Lehman. I revised my poem and I'm happy with the final poem. Please check it out here.  

Wishing you a great week filled with celebrations!


  1. It is wonderful that testing season can be countered by the beauty of words! Very worth celebrating!

  2. Yay that your kids can find some fun during testing season...especially when it involves poetry. :) Congratulations on your work with TeacherPoets. That sounds fun too! Have a great week.

  3. Oh wow, your poem is so raw, honest, and powerful. What a wonderful accomplishment. I love that your countering the pressures of testing with creativity and fun. Lucky students!


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