
Slice of Life ChallengePlease join the challenge over at Two Writing Teachers!

One of my favorite things about reading so many blogs is the ideas I get for posts. If you aren't reading The Messy Middle, you should! The last post was about the news and headlines. Watching the news is hard. If I'm being completely honest, I often avoid it...so sad! Last week seemed unusually sad with the death of Robin Williams...which seemed like laughter died that day! That's nothing of the unrest in the Middle East and the riots in Ferguson, Missouri. Amy, the author of The Messy Middle invited her readers to create their own headlines. She provided three of her own...so that's what I'm going to do today!

Closet Mess Conquered, No More Blue Sweaters

Oh the mess that was my closet!! Piles of clothes everywhere...the floor was buried and I could barely open the door. After an afternoon spent organizing, sorting, folding, hanging...it looks beautiful! Also, I realized that I have a lot of blue sweaters...and blue isn't a color I love. Weird!

Security Tag Lingers After Delivery

I scoured the stores for a new backpack. I knew exactly the one I wanted. After days and weeks of searching, I found it online. YAY! Ordered. Delivered. It patiently waited to be taken out of the plastic and used. Last night, it was finally time to open it. I tore off the plastic wrap and discovered a security tag. How do you take care of this?!?! After an unsuccessful phone call and email, I brought the bag to local stores and asked if they could remove the tag. THREE stores later, the tag is off and I an enjoying my beautiful new bag to start the school year. 

TED-Ed Talks Coming to a Middle School Near You

from TED-Ed Clubs

Hopefully. Fingers crossed. I applied to facilitate a TED-Ed club at my middle school. This morning I had my online conversation with TED-Ed. I should find out in a couple of weeks if this is a go. I hope it works...what an amazing opportunity...to have middle school students create original TED talks! Here's a link for more information. 

What would your headlines be for this week?

(As a side note, I think this will be a fun way to write with students! Concise and powerful words necessary to convey the message.)


  1. What a great idea! Enjoyed reading your headlines!

  2. What a great idea....I smiled from ear to ear as I read your closet description! It could have been mine....:)

  3. I love this both for myself and the students! Great idea!

  4. So cool on so many levels. The idea to make you own headline is fabulous. Great for my mindset, sort of capturing a theme of my personal news day and GREAT strategy for students. So often my student ask or worry about titles. Maybe we should try this work without out through talk. Discussing the what we notice and imaging a title for it.

    The backpack is you! It matches everything I know about you-smiling, bright and orange. TED-ED sounds like a great idea. I'm definitely checking that out. Thanks so much for the links and your thoughts. Always something for me to think about and try!

  5. I'm so glad you got the backpack thing solved-three stores! It's a beautiful pack, so happy! Love the headline idea & will share it with my colleagues. It will work on a lot of levels, Michelle. And I just took a huge bag of clothes to a thrift store-closet relief I think. I understand what you mean about the colors-I seem to have a lot of green things! Finally, good luck with the Ted talks. I didn't know about this, & will share it too!

  6. The news is awfully depressing these days. I like that out local news station always seems to end their broadcast with some good happy news. I love this idea of creating headlines. It would be great for students to do a weekly headline and put them into a book to share with others.

  7. Love this idea! I agree the headlines of late have been horrible!

  8. Thank you for spreading the inspiration to write in headlines. Your colorful backpack makes me smile. Fingers crossed that the Ted-Ed club gets a green light.

  9. What a great idea for a post - I love the headlines. :-) I sure wish I had tackled my closet this summer! Now I'm back to school and it probably won't get done until the next long break. :-( How exciting about the TED-Ed club! I saw some student TED Talks on Nicholas Provenzano's blog and really enjoyed them: http://www.thenerdyteacher.com/2014/06/20time-thoughts-and-tedxgpshs-edchat.html

  10. I love this idea and yes, I think this would be fun for students. I would have thought orange would have been the common color in your closet! :)

  11. Michelle, this is a creative follow-up to reading The Messy Middle. Please continue telling us more about TED-Ed club during the year.

    Quick wondering: Are you planning to write a piece for the Summer Serenity Gallery. I write about it in this week's SOL. http://beyondliteracylink.blogspot.com/2014/08/summer-serenity-photo-essay-unfolds-in.html

  12. I love the headlines idea and had to chuckle reading yours--the blue sweaters must be stalking you. Isn't that funny how we some times end up with more than we ever intended! Can't wait to hear more about the TED-Ed adventure--very cool opportunity, that.

  13. LOVE this idea of headlines! Note to self: remember this idea when writing with students! TED-Ed adventure, another great idea. can't wait to hear more!

  14. Busy week, and wonderfully so! I'm looking forward to your posts about TED-Ed, Michelle.

  15. What a terrific idea! I wish I could write a headline announcing that my closet was organized. Maybe someday... Thanks for the info about TED-Ed. Good luck!


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