Celebrating Amazing Students

Join us here to celebrate!

I am grateful for my students.

I am grateful for their great big hearts!

I am grateful for their empathy!

I am grateful for their kindness!

I am grateful for their joy & humor!

I am grateful for their reflection!

I get to spend my days with these students. Guiding them. Watching them. Nudging them...and then getting out of their way as they take on the world!

I am grateful for my students! Today I celebrate each one of them!


  1. Thank you for sharing these blog posts! They are to celebrate! May I share them with my first graders? I am just stepping into the blogging world and love sharing examples with them. :)

    1. Thank you so much!! :) Yes, please share them!!! You can find our class blogs on the blogroll at my class blog: mshaseltine.edublogs.org

  2. My students LOVE your student blog and you. They are always telling me about what Miss Haseltine has on her blog! So grateful for the link up with you guys as a model. It's like having another teacher in the room.

    And by the way, I'll be at NCTE..YAY! See you there??

  3. Perhaps someday our classes can touch each other, Michelle. I don't think it will happen until the new year, but I'm hoping. I love each part that you shared. What kind and enthusiastic student writers you have! (They must have a good teacher!) Thanks for taking the time to share all of this.

  4. Your choice is great - this kind of student writing makes everyone smile. I hope you will let them know that I read their words in Estonia and wished them many more wonderful ideas and words for future writing.

  5. Don't you just love it when your kids jump on and write like this? I'm not sure where the research is to back this up, but I would bet that kids who blog move farther faster because they are writing what they want to write. Michelle, if the research isn't out there, we should do it!

  6. Glad you are in a grateful mood, Michelle. I am grateful that we met up and will get to be F2F friends this week at NCTE. I just got invited to the Wonderopolis breakfast with Chris Lehman on Saturday morning. Perhaps, you can ask for an invitation and we can enjoy breakfast together.

  7. I was impressed to see their different blogs. Times have sure changed since I was a student!


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