
Today is my 22nd  slice for the March Slice of Life Challenge on Two Writing Teachers.

This post is also for DigiLit Sunday. You can find more posts at Margaret Simon's blog.

Yesterday was a beautiful Saturday. I woke early and set off on an adventure. Got into the car and drove to Arlington to attend my second #EdCamp.

What is #EdCamp? It's an unconference. The teachers that attend decide the sessions and participate. It's FREE. No charge. It's powerful! It's teachers sharing experiences and questions with teachers. It's networking. Once again, the power of twitter...I met people who I follow and interact with online.

Let me take you through the day. You arrive and get (or make) a name tag. 
I have to say, making a name tag was so much fun! It was a simple task, but I enjoyed myself!

There are snacks...every unconference needs good snacks. These are made or donated by the planning team. Love these twitter cookies...

Then time is spent meeting each other. The first #EdCamp I attended was local, so I knew lots of people. That was certainly more comfortable for me. I didn't know anyone at #EdCamp Arlington. I did see some familiar faces from the first #EdCamp, but I was on my own.

Once the attendees are there, we start to fill the board. There is a table with sticky notes and sharpies. That's where you write what you want to learn and stick the suggestions here. Once all of the suggestions are posted, someone from the planning team arranges them into sessions.  

Much of the focus of the two #EdCamps that I've attended have been technology...although I don't think that's a requirement. You can see the learning that happened... Here's #EdCamp Nova and #EdCamp Arlington. What's awesome is that you can click on the session titles (just for #EdCamp NOVA right now) and read the notes and get some helpful links!

Teachers in charge of their own learning and professional development is a powerful thing! Look for an #EdCamp near you and try it! I think you will find it worthwhile. I'd love to hear about other #EdCamps people have attended! 


  1. I love so much about this post. I love the idea of planning our own destinies and learning. I love the idea of teachers supporting each other. I love the name tags and Twitter cookies! I've heard about these (on Twitter) but not yet tried.

  2. I have been to two mini EdCamps- one at my school and one at another school. I love the EdCamp model! Thanks for sharing your experiences.

  3. I love, love, love EdCamp! I'm so glad you went! Those cookies are so adorable too. This past December, we held a mini EdCamp at my school on one of our early release PD days. It was amazing to see all the talents that our own staff held which were kept relatively hidden until this experience. Way to FLY!


  4. Sounds like you had a wonderful time and learned so much.

  5. I've been to a few #edcamps and loved them. The opportunity to learn and connect face to face is a great combination!

  6. I love #EdCamps. Different building host them in our district and we have two or three each year. There is a #nErDCampMI (here in Michigan) which is organized by Colby Sharp. This camp includes tech, literacy, and math. The next one is in July 2015. I agree that being in charge of your own learning and PD is a powerful thing.

  7. It all sounds great, Michelle. There was one in Denver last year, but I couldn't go because I already had something at my school. Maybe next time. You make it sound like lots of learning goes on! Those cookies are clever!

  8. Those hashtag cookies would be hard to make! Thanks for taking us through the day. Now, I want some reflections on the learning...

  9. Sounds awesome. I am happy you had an opportunity to attend. The cookies made me smile broadly.

  10. Never been to an EdCamp. Sounds interesting and like lots of fun. Neat cookies.

  11. We had a our first EdCampLI last year. Next weekend will be our Connected Educators of Long Island Meet-up. #NYEDChat will be live and I will be at the moderator's table. Then, we break into great sessions. I will be present one with my colleagues. It will be a trial run of our ILA presentation this summer. Thanks for mentioning the wonder of EdCamps.

  12. I've only been to one Edcamp in New Orleans a few years ago. Such an interesting concept. Wish I could've gone with you. Your nametag is so...You!

  13. I've heard of Edcamps, but I have never had the chance to participate in one. It is an interesting concept and one that maybe, now that I know even more about it, I'll have to find one to do. Thanks for the pictures and the explanation.

  14. I was fortunate to attend two last year: #EdCampDetroit which is happening again this May and then the same one Valerie mentioned #nErDCampMI in early July! I am trying to make sure I get to attend at least one this year!

  15. Thanks so much for sharing your experience, Michelle. I haven't been to an EdCamp, but have only heard good things about them. As Melanie said, I want to know more about what you learned!

  16. Love seeing this post about your EdCamp. We recently had one in Bellingham, the day after another conference, but I had kids in town that weekend. I think it's great to get together and learn from each other. Best PD ever!

  17. I went to my first Edcamp last summer. It was such a learning experience, but as I said in my post yesterday, we learn the most from each other.

  18. I love all the learning and teaching you do even outside of your own classroom. The only EdCamp I've been to was the first NErDcamp in Michigan. I had never participated in the concept before and was amazed how educators stepped up to teach impromptu sessions. Love the Twitter cookies! :-)

  19. There are so many new possibilities for professional development. It's exciting! I just attended #edcampcbus (Columbus, OH) last weekend. It's always enjoyable to connect with educators to learn more. I love the way the board is created in the moment and that everyone steps up to share in the conversation. Those hashtag cookies made me smile!


  20. Oh my gosh I love this! Read about a few other slicers attending EdCamp and I truly appreciate your description. I've been so unsure about what they are. Love this!!! Thanks so much for your info as to how they work.


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