Celebrating Space

Thank you to Ruth Ayres for the opportunity to focus on celebrations every week!

This week I am celebrating space. Space to write. Space to read. Space to cry and laugh and live. Space to BE.

Space to be.
There's a terrific blog called, The Messy Middle, and this week she wrote a post about slowing down. She said, "Our lives demand so much motion. But our souls demand stillness." This week, there's been space for stillness. The stillness can be hard, but it's where we grow and learn. I celebrate the stillness and space to just BE.

Space to write.
Writing has been such a focus for me this summer. I have miserably failed this past week...well, I haven't written what I wanted to write. On Instagram, Glennon (author of the blog,  Momastery and the book Carry On, Warrior) posted a picture of her writing space.

I needed to reorganize my space...I found a candle that looks and smells lovely. My pens surround me, as does my washi tape. I have a picture of me holding my sister when she came home from the hospital...reminds me of family that loves me! Googlie eyes that remind me to laugh and not take myself too seriously. My writing room tends to get warm, so I even have a tiny little fan. It's warm and homey and I love coming in here. Thanks for the inspiration, Glennon!

Space to read.
I have my bedroom back. I was bringing all of my writing into my bedroom. It's out now and it occupies it's own space. Whew! My bedroom makes a beautiful reading spot, as does my couch...I LOVE all of my new pillows.

Space to cry & laugh & live.

I celebrate my friends and family who generously give me the space to be me...crazy me...and they love me anyway! Phone calls and texts connect me with those I love who live far away!


  1. Love all of those pillows and the wonderful personal spaces you have created!

    1. Thank you! It feels good to have accomplished those spaces. Still working on them.

  2. I want to come sit on this couch, with all of these great pillows right now! And thanks for reminding me to go visit Glennon's blog. I love it, but I often forget it.

    1. Come over! Join me!! :) Momastery is a MUST READ blog for me!

  3. I love your spaces but the mug says it all...BEGIN! Here's to beginning our new adventure, wherever it may lead!

    1. Yes, Leigh Anne!! Love the BEGINning of new adventures. That is a leading contender for my 2016 OLW.

  4. Just those places make me smile, Michelle, & the pillows look heavenly, too. How great to create a place that gives big hugs, at least that's how I think of it. I hope you also get some stillness in these next days. Soon, school will be here, & it will be tougher to achieve. FYI-I'm reading the Doodle Revolution-terrific!

    1. Thanks Linda! I'm so glad you are enjoying the Doodle Revolution! It's such fun, isn't it?

  5. Thanks for inviting us into your space. I have my afternoon coffee, Charlie by my side, and I'm doing a good job so far of avoiding writing by reading blogs. Yours always makes me smile. It breathes BE.

    1. Margaret, You are always welcome into this space!!! YOU always make me smile!

  6. I am waiting at the airport to go home and catching up on blogs and celebrations. Your spaces here are filled with sunshine and smiles--love the cozy pillows, the enouragements and inspirations. Thank you for inviting me in!

    1. Lee Ann, So glad you stopped by! Safe travels on your way home!!!

  7. Cleaning space is so refocusing. I finally cleaned up my desk space and moved all my writing stuff there. Feels so good. And I love that separate space for reading.

    1. Thanks Julieanne! It feels good to make these spaces meaningful and practical! :)

  8. What a lovely space you have created for yourself. Makes me want to go organize my very cluttered writing space! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks Claire! Do it! Organize!! It feels so good!!

  9. Your spaces look perfect Michelle! I like how you added specific reminders to your writing space to keep you on focused. Like Lee Ann, I like your cozy pillows too!

    1. Thank you Amy! I was inspired and it was fun to find meaningful items. And the pillows...they are so much fun. Thanks! :)

  10. Are those soft pastels? LOVE mine... must take them out sooner rather than later!

    1. I think what you're looking at is my new writer's notebook. My pastels are in my art room. :)

  11. Enjoyed reading about all your spaces!
    Your pillows are terrific!

  12. Michelle, your spaces are full of calm and life. Enjoy the environment that makes me want to declutter mine. "But our souls demand stillness." With that in mind, I sit in quiet writing my TWT post and happy that I blogged for #celebratelu and #DigiLit Sunday.
    What says you about writing a short poem for my new gallery, Summer Splashings? http://beyondliteracylink.blogspot.com/2015/07/celebrate-summer.html

  13. I loved your reminder about creating our own space before we write or read. Those pillows are amazing and your couch seems to be the perfect spot to settle down with a good book. You've inspired me to work on my own space this weekend. Happy writing and reading!


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