Let's Get Our Blog On!

I spent today working with teachers. They are joining the world of teacher bloggers.

We spent lots of time reading and studying mentor texts...other teacher blogs. It was so much fun! I felt like I was introducing these teachers to my friends. Hearing their compliments about Stacey's voice on her blog and Leigh Anne's blog post about and Linda's response to comments made me smile. I felt proud of my friends. Proud to be part of such a talented and smart blogging community and hopeful to be inviting more wonderful teachers to join us!

Tomorrow we will continue our blogging adventure by sharing our slices on Two Writing Teachers. I believe with all of my heart that to guide students to blog and write, the teachers need to blog and write. Watching these teachers take this leap into a new space and share their stories, it's an honor to be able to witness it.
Interested in my presentation? Visit my website, Michellehaseltine.com, and click on the link, Get Your Blog On!


  1. Sharing the blogging love! Thanks for the shoutout! I was able to find and comment on a few of the new ones. Looking forward to reading their slices tomorrow. Off now to look at the presentation before our HO!

  2. Thanks for sharing so much info with us today. Looking forward to tomorrow.

  3. Wow, Michelle, thanks for linking to me. I'd like to have been a little mouse listening in today. I'll look for your new bloggers! What a gift you are giving them and they will give to their students!


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