
Thank you to Ruth Ayres for providing this space to share our celebrations. Please join us and share your own!

Many times this week I stopped and thought, "This is what I'll write my celebration post about on Saturday." I'm going to celebrate the entire week today!

Last weekend was filled with cleaning, decorating, organizing and baking. I did some purging too which always feels good. As I was rearranging some books and looking for space on the shelves, I decided to try something new...

Early in the week, I woke up feeling sick and decided I should stay home from school. I grabbed my coat and the leash to take Bella for a walk. I opened my door and saw a plastic candy cane hanging from it. Puzzled, but still sleepy, I pulled the door shut and turned to begin our walk when this is what I saw...

Our church offers this as a fund raiser for our youth group. My friend, Sharon, sent these candy canes to me. 
Oh did it make my whole day!! I took a picture of Bella trying to figure out what they were and I love the comment that my friend, Christine made about the candy canes, "It's okay, Bella. They are love. Made manifest. 'Cause your mama is wonderful and DEFINITELY LOVED."
The week before break is always hectic and chaotic. I work hard to find quiet and to create a classroom space where we can have fun, find peace and learn. On Thursday this week, I brought in a special gift that I made for my sixth graders. Inspired by a craft that my friend, Jennifer Laffin, shared with me. Each student got a touchstone with the words, You Matter on them, covered with glitter. 

I blogged about it here. Honestly, I wasn't sure what the students would think about them. I must say, they were a big hit! Here are some of the student comments on the blog about the touchstones...

Some of the students decorated their stones with sharpies. I love the final product!

The week is over. I am blessed with two weeks to rest and celebrate and spend with my friends and family. Wishing you many celebrations of your own!

How to Make Touchstones:
Buy stones at craft store
Print out word or saying (I tested out some different fonts and sizes. I used the Unkempt font size 18.)

I cut the phrases. Used a brush to put the word onto the rock. Put the rock on wax paper. Let that dry and then brushed the glitter mod podge over the entire top of the rock. Let dry over night.


  1. Wow .. what a rich post and what a wonderful array of positivity (did I spell that right?). Thank you. You have my morning a lift ...

  2. Thank you for sharing this post Michelle. I love the whole idea of being candy caned and your giving the students touchstones. I am sitting here smiling along with you.

  3. Sounds like your touchstones were a hit! I love the comment from one of your students who said she will keep her stone forever. Warms my heart!

  4. Love this post and now I know how the students "painted" their rocks! Your student comments are the best. My fave: "I'll hold onto this forever!" And now I have to figure out how you made them. I want to make touchstones or ornaments or all of the above of my OLWs from each year.

    1. Ramona, You need a stone. A word or saying. Mod podge. (I used sparkly mod podge.) That's it! I love the idea of making touchstones of my OLWs!!!! I'm going to do that too! Thanks for the idea!

  5. Michelle, I should have written about my gift fails this year. Maybe for Tuesday? Next year, clear rocks just like these. Is the process on Pinterest?

    1. Now I see your previous reply. So easy. Maybe I can do this with their OLW choices the first week back. Thanks!

  6. I love those stones! Thank you for explaining how to do this. Thank you for sharing your creativity and passion Michelle! Merry Christmas and happy vacation.

  7. I know about most. What a wonderful week, Michelle. I love how the sharpees look on the rocks, too. ModgePodge is terrific. Have a very Merry Christmas and vacation.

  8. With `5 more days off, one day I will be heading to the craft store!! Thanks for including the How To directions. At the very least, I am making rocks of my OLW!! Thanks for sharing!!

  9. I love this idea! Such an important message for kids every day!


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