Celebrating the Blizzard of 2016

Thank you to Ruth Ayres for providing this space to share our celebrations. Please join us and share your own!

I'm sitting in the middle of a giant blizzard. 

6am Saturday morning
I grew up in Massachusetts and I don't ever remember anything like this. I celebrate the extremes of a storm like this. I celebrate the quiet...how the whole world just seems to stop. I celebrate the beauty of the crisp, white snow. I celebrate the exuberance of teachers and students for snow days. I celebrate snow days.

As with anything, there are some struggles. It's cold! There's a lot of snow. Sometimes I get scared because I live by myself. The shoveling. It's cold!

Today I choose to celebrate this history making storm.  

I celebrate time with my sweet Bella.

Time to read and write and paint and do. Time to nap and binge-watch tv and rest. Time to write! I celebrate the slowing down and focus on slowing down myself. I don't have to shovel every hour. It will be ok. I'll get out...eventually.

I celebrate watching Bella maneuver her way through the snow. 


I am blessed with a warm home and food to eat. I remind myself that I am never alone...my friends and family love me and my faith keeps me warm and safe.

Wherever you are on this snowy Saturday, I hope you are celebrating and counting your blessings. 


  1. I loved this Michelle! I have a Bella and she is not a fan of snow. I am going to get pictures up later but I wanted to post a comment and let you know I love getting to know you better!

  2. Stay safe and warm! I have both my sons living with me right now, but there have been many years that I have been alone during these storms. They are wonderful and a little lonely/unnerving too. I'm always thankful for my "Bellas" during those times! Take care!

  3. I love how you and Bella embrace the snow! Your line about you're never alone with family and friends is what I am celebrating today also. Stay safe and enjoy the "extra" time for all your favorite activities.

  4. I hate the snow. A lot. But I live in Chicago and it's inevitable. But there is something about being in your warm house during a blizzard. Time to just be and not go. I just wish it would melt quickly :) Enjoy the quiet! And may Bella find joy in the craziness!

  5. I've been watching the weather channel to check on you, Michelle, and FB of course. I'm glad you have the power and can stay in, except for Bella of course.I love that final picture of her contemplating that wide expanse.

  6. I hope you keep power because I am enjoying watching your posts. We are experiencing a fabulous sunny day, but it's cold. Snuggling with your best friend is the best of the cold. Hope you and Bella enjoy snuggle time. And stop shoveling. That looks crazy hard!

  7. I am home alone in the snow also. It is a little challenging isn't it? Your Bella is a riot.

  8. Bella! What a joy to watch. Sending you warmth and hugs! Enjoy your cozy Saturday. Indoors!

  9. Our world is so amazing. I have been seeing images of the blizzard on Twitter from earth and space. There are challenges, but beauty too. I'm glad you're safe and have a warm place.

  10. I loved watching Bella on Instagram this morning. I'm thankful for your safety and warmth! Thank you for sharing the pictures.

  11. It's as if the world knows that people need a pause in their constant hurry-hurry-hurry. Everything is fine as long you have warmth, light and food. I loved seeing Bella in the snow. Did you make a snow angel already?

  12. Is it crazy that I wish I was in the blizzard? For everything you shared - time to slow down, snow days away from school, the calm and quiet of it? I think that if you have to live somewhere cold (I'm in Chicago) you should definitely also get something beautiful to look at!
    Thank you for sharing!

  13. Michelle, did you read Linda Baie's post. She was celebrating time too. I had to laugh at Bella's attempts to navigate the snow. It looked like a tunnel was being dug. We had so much snow that life was at a huge standstill and so I wrote about that as well.


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