What Brings Me Joy?

This question was posed to me by a friend a Facebook group. I decided to sit and think about it and make a list. Here's what I came up with...

After I wrote, I decided to flip back to the past week or two in my notebook to see if I'd done this recently. Look what I found...

It's a collection of posts that focus on the joy in life and the funny moments during the day.

If I were forced to pick just one thing that brings me joy, satisfaction, and engagement...it all leads back to the notebook!

Two Writing Teachers provides a space each Tuesday for slice of life posts. Please join us there!


  1. Love the glimpses of your notebook, Michelle. You could write a beautiful poem out of all these sources of joy--(Can you tell that I'm in the middle of coaching a LOT of poetry!) Pens COMPLETELY make me happy!!!

  2. I love this idea of writing just about joy. I write about gratitude, but I think writing about joy takes it a little bit deeper. Thank you for inviting us into your notebook!

  3. It is wonderful to know exactly what brings you joy! (BTW: Washi tape made me smile.)

  4. What a great exercise! We all should do it - and then make sure we do at least one thing that brings us joy each day.

  5. Your slice made me smile! I've been drowning in negativity and all the slices I've read so far are so joyful. I hope I'm not ruining anyone's slicing experience by sharing my burden. Thank you though. Really. I feel like I might be able to actually do better next week.

  6. I'm so tickled that our question inspired you, Michelle. And I LOVE YOUR PENS!

  7. Your notebooks, at least on the inside, look SO different from mine! Yours are works of art. Mine are mines of words - dirty and messy with little to no color. I find it fascinating how we all approach notebooks differently.


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