Notebooks & Goodbye Notes

I just arrived home from a surprise trip to Massachusetts. I drove north to surprise my niece and nephew for Halloween...and I did! 

On my second day there, my niece grabbed a notebook she had from a year ago. She asked me to work in our notebooks together. I told her that I was her age when my mother gave me my first notebook. She said she wanted to use notebooks too- just like me- except she wants to draw in her notebooks. I told her that she's the boss of her own notebooks, and that sounded like a great idea to me!

We spent time each day doodling and writing in our pages. 

She showed me some of her drawing tricks and I showed her some of the things that I wrote. It was heaven. 

Saying goodbye is always hard, so a tradition I started when they were young is I leave them a goodbye note. My nephew always reminds me that he has a collection of all of my notes. I usually leave in the morning before anyone wakes up, so it gives them one more surprise. 

When I got home last night after a long day of driving, I got two texts. My sister texted me to show me what my niece was doing...

 A few minutes later, I got this text from my niece...

Be still my heart!!! Today I will be texting her what I did in my notebook. The power of writing to develop relationships is real. I witnessed it. I am living it.

Sharing as a slice at Two Writing Teachers!


  1. This made me feel warm and goosebumpy all at the same time. What a lucky young notebooker to have a mentor in her Auntie. She will carry this with her always... xx

  2. Michelle, I just came back from a trip to a family reunion in Massachusetts. Your trip was filled with so many special moments. I think leaving notes for your niece and nephew is a fabulous practice. How special it is to continue a writing practice with those you love. This is a feel good slice.

  3. What a lucky niece and nephew to have you as their Auntie Chelle. Love this quote from your post: "She's the boss of her own notebooks." And the pic of the page she created is priceless!

  4. I love this, Michelle, and I loved hearing you speak about it during our group this evening! What wonderful memories you are creating!

  5. It can't get much lovelier that this. Surprises are the best and the connection you have with your niece is so sweet.

  6. Such an uplifting post! How wonderful it is she has a writing mentor!


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