Daily Blogging

Good morning from Bella!

Here I am...blogging again today. I'm not sure what to say, but I AM sure that I needed to show up. I'm reminded of Seth Godin. He's blogged daily for more than a decade. Here's what he says about his practice and why he feels like it's a valuable use of his time: 

“I’m encouraging each one of you to have (a blog). Not to have a blog to make money, because you probably won’t. Not to have a blog, because you’ll have millions and millions of readers, because you probably won’t. But to have a blog because of the discipline it gives you, to know that you’re going to write something tomorrow. Something that might not be read by many people — it doesn’t matter — it will be read by you. If you can build that up, you will begin to think more clearly. You will make predictions. You will make assertions. You will make connections. And there they will be, in type, for you to look at a month or a year later. This practice of sharing your ideas to people who will then choose or not choose to share them helps us get out of our own head, because it’s no longer the narrative inside. It’s the narrative outside, the narrative that you’ve typed up, that you’ve cared enough to share.” -Seth Godin

I believe writing is important. I believe shared writing is important-er. Ok, ok...that's not a word, but sharing my writing brings it to another level. Someone may read this. Audience changes it. 

Today, I'm here. I'm showing up. Building the discipline and the practice. I know the value of it. I've written and shared over seven hundred posts. I frequently blogged from 2013-2019 and it changed my writing life. Seth Godin is correct. 

Why did I stop? There's really no good reason. It's been five years and I'm back. I'm blogging again to show up. I am blogging for myself. I'm blogging to connect with others. I'm blogging to document my life and the changes. 

Do you blog? Have you? Would you? What's stopping you? I'm still here and I'll be back tomorrow. Until then...


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