Butterflies on the First Day

Slice of Life ChallengePlease join the challenge over at Two Writing Teachers!

I admit it. I have butterflies. 
I'm grateful for the butterflies. I'm taking on new responsibilities this year. As I've worked through the past couple of weeks of work days, I've set on my goals. The focus for me this year will include: 

1. Using my time wisely. 
There's a lot to accomplish this year. I need to manage my time, so I've set up a schedule...when I'll grade, work on my evaluation paperwork, plan, and take time for me. If I'm smart, everything will be fine. 

2. Being in the moment. 
When there's lots on my plate, I get overwhelmed easily. This year I want to stay in the moment. Be. This helps with anxiety and stress. 

3. Listening. 
I have a tendency to talk. A LOT. All the time...I want to listen more. When I talk a lot, I'm usually passionate about something, but I miss out when I'm talking. There's so much to learn by listening. 

4. YOU MATTER. Check out Angela Maiers website. She has a YOU MATTER Manifesto. 
I want these words and this message to guide my year with my students. I want each student to know that they are seen and that they matter. Check out her amazing TED talk...


  1. These goals are important reminders for everyone, Michelle! It's so easy to get bogged down and forget why we're in this profession in the first place. Keeping Angela Maiers' "You Matter Mainfesto" front and center will be the reminder I need. Thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful year!

  2. Happy First Day of School! You've made great goals - I know this will be a wonderful year for you. Thanks for sharing the TED Talk - I don't have time to watch it now, but I will definitely come back to it!

  3. #2 and #3 - I have to remember to do this this new school year. Thanks for the reminder, Michelle!

  4. Although you are so busy, it's good to have thought through what's really important "before" the craziness begins, & returning to your own words plus Angela's will be such a good touchstone. Best wishes in your goals, Michelle, for you & for your students!

  5. Love everything you say here. And YOU MATTER so much! Thank you for sharing your goals for the year. I know you will hold true to them!

  6. Love your goals. It is so easy to get overwhelmed by all that we need to do that we sometimes forget to breathe.

  7. Those are stellar goals to have for the school year. And, yes, YOU do matter!

  8. Here's to a wonderful year! Ryan is so excited, you were the first teacher he spoke about this afternoon!

  9. Using my time wisely needs to be on my list as well! Perhaps I needed a gentle reminder...? Hope this will be a great year!

  10. I love the message of You Matter and I hope you hear the echo right back at you! Enjoy your first week...we are close to ending week number four!

  11. I absolutely love that you set goals and that you remember what is truly important, YOU! Enjoy the year.


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