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Introverting Today

Thank you to Ruth Ayres for providing this space to share our celebrations. Please join us and share your own!

Today I celebrate the luxury I have to "introvert". These past few weeks have felt quiet. These weeks have been filled with lots of good things, but I'm yearning for some introverting time. This weekend is my quiet time.

I'll breathe.
I'll walk.
I'll eat.
I'll rest.
I'll do.
I'll be...
all in quiet

This sounds heavenly to me. Enjoy your weekend and remember to take some time to care for yourself. I'm reminded of what I learned from flying on airplanes...


  1. Enjoy your quiet weekend. The power of choice on the weekends is the BEST!

  2. Quiet time for yourself is restorative. Sounds like you are ready for a perfect weekend.

  3. Fill up your gas tank with the amazing power of quiet self reflection and your engine will be charged up and ready to go on Monday. Enjoy your retreat.

  4. We do need that reminder! Enjoy the peace and quiet.

  5. YES!!!! I need this too. (Even thought I just spent a week alone.) I also forgot to tell you...I often each lunch alone in the quiet of my room. It's my little break in the day when I can just 'be.' Enjoy your quiet time this weekend.


  6. I hope you find the calm. You are in a lovely company when you are by yourself. Plus Bella of course.

  7. Enjoy the calm and the airplane reminder.

  8. The connection you make is great. Likening the needs of introverts to securing your breathing mask. Assist yourself before you assist others. Wise words for airplane flights and life on the ground!

  9. Your weekend sounds heavenly! I hope you enjoy every minute and get rejuvenated.

  10. I hope you enjoy every minute of your quiet time. We all need that from time to time.

  11. Sounds like a good weekend to abide (my OLW). It's so good that you recognize when you need quiet time just for you. Loved your last phrase: "I'll be." There's such acceptance in those two little words.


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