Writing, Building, and Creating

Lot K is where I park. It's farther away than the garage, but the walk is lovely. 
Day two brings a familiarity with it. We ease into the day with our morning pages and I already know that this will be a favorite time for me. As Peter reads the ethnography from yesterday, I look around and smile. There are four of us with colorful pens...Anna, Elissa, Christy, and me. 

Sarah is up first with her presentation. She introduces herself. She's written her own profile...haha! 
We spend time thinking about our writing process...what does it look like? What animal is our writing like? What characters are in our heads? The questions are original and thought provoking. Here are some of my musings...

After a break, Anna gets up and reads a lovely profile to introduce Lauren. (I quickly realize I need more information to write my profile, so I spend the day gathering more details on my profile buddy.)

Lauren has us making our thinking places. We plan. We write our plans. We think about our process and creativity and we create a place for that. We build it. YES! Making things brings out a different side of people. 

We get started on the making after lunch. The room is alive with energy and ideas! It's electric. The thinking spaces we build are as different as we are. We share our spaces with pride. 

After we clean up, Peter shares our homework assignment and we are done for the day. This time is precious and I'm feeling inspired by the ideas being shared. I walk back to the car with words swimming through my head. 
I nap as I get home and now refreshed, I write and put some finishing touches on my presentation for Thursday. 


  1. Today was my first day--ever--taking this very same walk! It is a remarkably charming path. There were also some very nice students on the path this morning welcoming people and demanding we have a "Good Day!" Certainly was a nice way to start the day. My return walk consisted of dodging cell phone zombies as they tried to catch some Pokemon deal! The contrast between the walks was too funny.

  2. "Words swimming through my head" - isn't this a great state for a writer to be? You are clearly having a very uplifting and inspiring experience. It's not just writing but also drawing, moving, making - being a writer with a whole body. I am happy for you!


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