Here I Am

I haven't posted in a couple of weeks. I've been thinking for the past couple of days about this post...but I can't think of anything to write. Frozen in my failure, I want to quit, but I push through and show up here...even though it seems pointless. Who wants to read a blog post about nothing? 

I begin to panic a bit...Have I "lost it"? My passion for blogging? My ability to blog? Why can't I think of something clever? What do I have to say that anyone will want to read? (By the way, I'd have all of these answers if it was you asking the questions!) Should I quit? Give up? Accept defeat?


Instead, I show up. 
Instead, I remember the words I said yesterday to my seventh-graders, 
"Show up. It gets easier."
Instead, I write and show grace to myself.
Instead, I remember that blogging is a muscle that I haven't stretched in a while and I need to warm up, I need to take some deep breaths.

Here I am. Showing up to the page. I'm not entirely happy with what's here, but it's here. It's about showing grit in moments of weakness. I'm here. I'm writing my story. Next time, it will be better...more interesting, maybe even funny...until then, I'm here. 

Visit Two Writing Teachers to read other slices today. 


  1. And I am reading your words. With appreciation. Writers struggle. Writers find words. Writers need rest sometimes, too. Be well.

  2. Love the title and message of this post... here I am... show up. I've never been a fan of pinterest, clever or cutesy. I appreciate real genuine communication. I definitely looked at my blank blog page today and said to myself, what do I have to say that matters. Great post.

  3. I always appreciate your candor! We all need rest from our routines, I think, to refresh them. I hope the coming days spark an idea or three to carry you through your next few blogs; it's what I hope for myself, as well!

  4. Writing is a struggle. Definitely something we need to let go of "it needs to be perfect" mindset. You remind me it just needs to be written down on the page!

  5. I haven't sliced in a couple of months! I need to show up too! Thanks for this important reminder!

  6. I needed your reminder today. I have been doing zero writing outside of slicing- I REALLY need to get back to writing. There are so many things I want to write that can not be a slice. Thank you for showing up and your ever steadiness in showing up and getting the words on the page.

  7. And now you will have the WORDS when one of your students says they have nothing to write....!!!

  8. It's so much easier to say "Not today," or "Maybe next week." Thanks for your honesty. "It's about showing grit in moments of weakness" - inspirational!

  9. Thanks for showing up. We all struggle with this from time to time and seeing others persevere through the struggle helps me show up.

  10. Not a failure. Ups and downs. Pause. Hibernation. Now you are back. I am glad to see you here.

  11. Thanks for plugging along. It’s posts like this that allow us to have empathy for our students when they remark that they can’t write!

  12. Thanks for sharing so honestly. I think it's quite challenging to find any sort of equilibrium after school begins. To be honest, at the end of the day it's hard to have much mental energy for anything else. The deadlines seem to arise too soon (Tuesday already???) and motivation is thin on the ground. Showing up makes all the difference though and your post is a great example of writing grit.

  13. So glad you showed up! I am always glad when you show up! Your words ring true for all writers. When we think we have nothing to write about we write about just that! (pretty sure a recent post of mine was born out of nothingness, too) It happens, so we write about it, because it is part of our story! Thanks for sharing!

  14. Showing up is what matters. Bravo! I've felt the same way, but you wrote about it much more eloquently!

  15. I'm glad you are here, showing up. I think this message was one I needed to hear too.

  16. Thank you for sharing. We truly need to let our kids hear this as well. They need to know that writer' block is something that even we as teachers get. It is ok to feel this way. BTW, I love this non-written written piece.

  17. "Instead I write and show grace to myself." Thank you, Michelle. I needed your words this morning, a reminder to do the same. Big hug. I love your joyful list too! xx


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