Five Minute Friday: LEAVE

This is my first Five Minute Friday. The word is LEAVE. 

"LEAVE it," I bellow in a deep voice to my dog Bella. It's one of the commands I'm learning in her training. 
Leave it
Simple. She gets it. Bella needs a reminder or two, but she moves onto something else...wagging her tail all the way. Ahh, to be as wise as my dog! 

Leave it. 
Leave the pain. 
Leave the harsh words 
the nasty comments
and the unfairness of life.
Leave it. 

I struggle with these words 
more than my sweet dog. 
I hold on and 
wring these words for every last 
morsel of annoyance and 
frustration and anger. 
Leave it. 

I don't. 
I hold it. 
I nurture it. 
And it hugs me so 
tight it won't let go. 
Leave it.

Leave it.
It's ok. 
Leave the pain. 
Leave the hurtful words. 
There's love to fill that space. 
There's faith to fill my heart.
Leave it. 
Leave it. 


  1. Oh, what a wonderful reminder. Joining you from Five Minute Friday.

  2. Five Minute Friday visitor. That was something that I've always taught my dogs, "Leave It!" It is a good lesson you have imparted in your post here. Thank you!

  3. Thank you for reminding us! Yes, just leave it and move on. It's hard sometimes, huh? "There's love to fill that space." Great line! Something I need to remember. Have a great weekend!

  4. Good advice but not easy sometimes.

  5. So important. You write so openly.
    We can leave it with God.
    Reminds me of Swindoll in Day by Day...This is a link I found online...super long ...


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