One to the World

Thank you to Stacey, Betsy, Dana, Tara, Beth, & Anna for this amazing platform to write and share writing! What a wonderful community you've created! I'm honored to be part of it. Join us at Two Writing Teachers

Our county has a new superintendent. His name is Dr. Eric Williams. A big initiative that he's brought to our county is One to the World. Dr. Williams comes to our county as a blogger and very active on twitter. He models what he wants to see in classrooms, which is connecting our students to the world...the real world. 

Last week he shared this initiative with the school board. I attended the small informational meeting. In this presentation Dr. Williams and Dr. Breeden, Dr. Contartesi and Mr. Flynn all presented about One to the World and BYOT. 

Dr. Breeden shared three examples of schools and students that were already demonstrating the ideas of One to the World. My students and I were one of those three examples. That was quite an honor! She talked about my students connecting with authors via twitter and social media and the impact that made on their learning.  

Dr. Williams talked about what One to the World means. One point that really struck me was when he said it will mean, "...recapturing the joy of teaching and learning." Students will own their learning and they will be connected to the world!

During the presentation, Dr. Williams asked the school board members to participate in a Todays Meet chat to help process their thoughts and share their questions. Throughout the presentation, he'd give them a graphic organizer and a purpose for listening. I almost forgot I was at the school board meeting. I was watching a teacher at work...a teacher passionate about his subject. 

Dr. Williams wants teachers and students to share meaningful learning experiences that are grounded in the curriculum using all of the tools available. He wants to "get our of their way"...and let the teachers run with the technology already out there. He wants to support our students and the teachers. I am grateful to work in a county where the superintendent really gets it! Thank you for your leadership Dr. Williams! And to Dr. Breeden, Thank you for a wonderful representation of my students! 


  1. Sounds like my kind of superintendent ....

  2. What a forward thinking boss! So glad you are getting some attention, too, for the wonderful things you do.

  3. This is so wonderful! I'm glad you wrote about it because you had mentioned it on Facebook, I believe, and I wanted to know more! Congrats for being featured - you definitely deserve to be recognized for all you do for/with your students. :-)

  4. This just makes me smile. There aren't enough stories shared like this, when superintendency is featured in a great light. Awesome when they are. Congrats on your work!

  5. Wow! What lucky teachers and students to have such a connected (to the world, learning, and students) superintendent. So glad you are in this district to grow and be the model! Congrats on that Michelle.

  6. Wonderful to imagine such a superintendent, Michelle, & you're right in there with them, too. I hope you'll share more about what happens next!

  7. I know you don't do things to be noticed or mentioned, but it feels good anyway when someone has noticed and appreciates what your do. Great to have a passionate leader to help the teachers and students grow and connect to the World.

  8. Awesome - that's what leadership with vision looks like and sounds like!

  9. A leader who actually leads...Wow!

  10. Cool superintendent! Wow! And congratulations to you, as well, Michelle!

  11. This is wonderful! Looking forward to great things.

  12. Congratulations on having your work recognized, Michelle! It sounds like you and your students are in for quite a learning adventure with Dr. Williams at the helm.


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