Celebrating the In-Between Days

Thank you to Ruth Ayres for providing this space to share our celebrations. Please join us and share your own!

Today I'm celebrating the In Between Days. Christmas is over. There's something about the day after a big celebration that we've been planning for weeks and months. I read this great quote and it really struck a chord with me. Find a"...new way to connect to the holiday- to the quietness and the in-between-ness..." Sara Eckel.

I cherish the in-between moments. The quiet in the midst of the chaos. Searching those moments out becomes a challenge and those are the moments that become cherished memories.

Today we woke up slowly...
I watched my niece and nephew enjoy their trampoline. I drank in the sound of my mother giggling while she jumped with them...

a date with my nephew to Friendly's...

And a day after Christmas celebration with family tonight in our jammies...enjoying the in-between times. I hope you find the beauty of the in-between times.


  1. I too have been finding beauty and joy in the in-between times. Your times seem to be very blessed. :)

  2. Wonderful to hear and see about those 'in-between' times, Michelle. And love that idea of them. They are special parts of our holidays.

  3. Your 'in-between" time with your family sounds a joyous one. It's all about noticing and celebrating the moments - giggling, slowness, smiles, good food. Wishing you more of it all!

  4. Oh, I just love those wake up slow and snuggle on the couch mornings. Glad you got one.

  5. Looks like you are enjoying your time with family this Christmas. Today my in between time will be spent quietly in the car traveling to see my parents and my brother's family. This long break gives me the opportunity to be with all sides. Blessings for the new year.

  6. Special times, Michelle, special times. I love that video of your mom on the trampoline - such spirit!

  7. What could be better than Grandmas on trampolines?!

  8. I'm slowly getting to these celebration posts! Love this in-between time! Thanks for sharing these moments!

  9. This quote strikes a chord with me, Michelle=>Find a"...new way to connect to the holiday- to the quietness and the in-between-ness..." I think I am longing for the quietness. I loved seeing your mother on the trampoline with the children. It reminds of my Mom when she would play with my children. Christmas is for building memories and recalling the old ones.


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