Much to Celebrate

Thank you to Ruth Ayres for providing this space to share our celebrations. Please join us and share your own!

Today I am celebrating in the form of a list...

The power of writing and the connections made
Voxer and my new Voxer groups Long drives to meet friends
Motivated students
American Idol
My cuddly dog, Bella
New favorite books like Some Kind of Courage by Dan Gemeinhart Returning to a regular schedule
New opportunities
Support of friends
Phone calls with my family Summer beach trips End of semester & beginning of a new semester New pillows Morning pages Writing everyday Appreciating exactly where I am What are you celebrating today?


  1. Such sweet celebrations this week, Michelle! When we really stop and look, our blessings abound. Thanks for being a part of many of my celebrations of the past week.

  2. I love voxer too! Makes written connections real! So much learning happens there.

  3. I love your list and also often think about celebrations in terms of lists. Yay for new pillows! But even more, yay for the way family and friends weave through your days. Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. I do love seeing lists, Michelle. What a week you've had, back in the seeing, right? My list of books grows longer as I see that new one by Dan Gemeinhart. Have a great weekend!

  5. Lists allow us to capture many celebrations at once. You have a great list. "Appreciating exactly where I am" - isn't this what most people aim for?

  6. Lists invite minds to infer. You had a good week and are surrounded by good people.

  7. Lists are always great start-ups for further writing. Happy Celebrations, Michelle.

  8. Love your list. Happy for you, where you are. After all, isn't that what celebrating is all about. :)

  9. I am on Voxer, but have not really used it much. Do you have recommendations for utilizing it? It sounds like you had a great week. What a great statement appreciating exactly where you are.


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